The HIH especially supports the academic goals of its female scientists. Here you will find the Tübingen Support Programme for Women (TÜFF) offered by the Faculty of Medicine at the Tübingen University, information about the Gender Equality Office as well as national funding programmes for women.
TÜFF Support Programme for Women at the Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine at the Tübingen University offers a wide range of programmes for women who are working on their habilitation or are interested in an academic career.
They offer a network for women who want to habilitate ("TÜFF Net"), day and evening classes for young female researchers and clinical scientists who want to start an academic career ("TÜFF Kurse für die Karriere") as well as the "TÜFF Habilitandinnen Förderung" for women in the second phase of their habilitation.
More information about the TÜFF (in German only).
Gender Equality Committee at the Faculty of Medicine
The University of Tübingen mentiones in its mission statement gender equality as a core principle, which should be pursued in all areas. The Faculty of Medicine established a Gender Equality Committee to support and achieve these goals. It consists of representatives of the professorate, doctors, scientists and students.
The committee’s aim is to accomplish an equality of opportunity for women and men in their jobs and science, increase the women’s quota, achieve family-friendly work and research terms and build a (cross-)regional network of female doctors and scientists.
More information about the Gender Equality Committee (in German only).
Gender Equality Office at the Tübingen University
The Gender Equality Office at the Tübingen University is responsible for issues of equal opportunities for men and women in studies and academia and offers measures to increase the number of female professors and scientists.
It provides for example the Athene-Programme (in German only) supports young female scientists during their post-doc phase and other gender equality policies (in German only).
More information about the Gender Equality Office.
National Funding Programmes
Baden-Württemberg's Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) offers special programmes for women who want to habilitate in order to support equal opportunities for men and women. These include the "Margarete-von-Wrangell-Habilitationsprogramm", the "Brigitte Schlieben-Lange-Programm" for female scientists with children and the "Professorinnenprogramm".
More information about the MWK's Programmes (in German only).
The German Education Server shows a list of scholarships and funding programmes especially for graduated women.
More information on the German Eduation Server (in German only).
Scientifica, the "Portal für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Technik in Baden-Württemberg" lists a number of funding opportunities for women as well as general information and financial advice.
More information about Scientifica (in German only).