TüWIN stands for "Tübingen Women in Neuroscience" (formally known as HER) and is a grass roots movement set up by women scientists across the Tübingen Neuroscience Campus in 2014. The organizers are mainly senior scientists that aim to support women in academic science roles and to facilitate career development to improve gender equality.
1. Through networking provide support and increase the visibility of women scienctists.
2. To promote a good work culture and diversity in our scientific environment.
3. To provide activities, scientific seminars and networks that brings together the Tübingen Neuroscience Campus (HIH, DZNE, CIN, University and University Hospital Tübingen).
4. To provide an informal environment for collaboration, inter-disciplinary science and sharing of techniques, expertise, facilities and ideas.
5. To provide training and workshops for women scientists to develop their career.
6. To provide social opportunities for women scientists.
7. To provide an informal environment for support in family and childcare issues.
8. To provide mentoring.
9. To welcome and support international women scientists and their families in Tübingen.
TüWIN Seminar Series
Open to all. Monthly. At lunchtime.
The ethos of the seminar series is to provide a platform for successful Women scientists to talk about their research and to increase the visibility of female academics.
The format is an approximately 45 minute seminar giving an overview of a woman’s research and scientific interests to a broad audience across the neuroscience campus Tübingen.
Our approach is to provide an informal lunch environment, where students and Professors alike can discuss any scientific subject free from prejudice or discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, position and so forth.
Our speakers are often from non-neuroscience disciplines and we invite women from all ages, all research fields and from industry which we feel their talk would be of broader interest to the neuroscience campus. We are open to suggestions for speaker invitations and everyone has the opportunity to meet with our speakers if the speaker has time.
Special TüWIN Seminar Series
Open to all. At lunchtime.
We schedule seminars given by non-academic female scientists that have experience in industry. We aim to provide special seminars on career, psychology, law and safety for example.
Some previous speakers:
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1995 and founder of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation to support young female scientists with children), Ghazaleh Tabatabai, Saskia Biskup, Ingrid Ehrlich, Uli Naumann, Marlies Knipper, Olga Garaschuk, Tassula Proikas-Cezanne, Katja Schenke-Layland.
Career Development, Networking and Mentoring
Our goal of providing career and skill development specifically tailored towards qualified women scientists such as career strategy workshops, communication training and debate training.
Mentoring by senior scientists to young scientists and support for job applications, interviews and funding applications within the group.
Gender Equality
We aim to provide a platform for discussion of gender related issues such as equal pay or implicit bias. Whether this is via invited speakers who are experts in gender studies or ethics or simply whether someone wants to present a certain topic to the TüWIN group.
Do you want to get involved and join our group?
TüWIN is open to all scientists that identify as female. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month.