How to find the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH)
The official address of the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research is:
Otfried-Müller-Straße 27
72076 Tübingen
If you arrive by public transport from the central train station, you can take bus numbers 5, 13, X15, (“Klinikexpress”), 18, or 19. The bus stop is “Uni-Kliniken Berg”. After getting off, you will see an information point and the entrance to the parking garage P4. After passing them, turn left onto “Otfried-Müller-Straße”. The HIH research building is the third one on the left (building number 569).
If you arrive by car, you may use the parking garages P4 or P5. Please see the map for more information.
Click on the map to get a fullsize view of the area of the University Hospital Tübingen.
The HIH research building is marked in red (building number 569).