Open positions




PhD position on marmoset social cognition

We are currently searching for a highly motivated PhD student interested in research on the cortical underpinnings of marmoset social cognition including the ability to establish joint attention based on gaze and facial cues. The project will require a combination of quantitative behavioural measurements on trained animals and electrophysiological as well as optical imaging approaches. Previous experience in electrophysiological and anatomical techniques, familiarity with MatLab as well a thorough training in systems neuroscience would be favourable. The PhD student is expected to enrol in the PhD programme of the Graduate Training Centre at the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience. See below for further instructions.

Selected publications related to the topic:

Marciniak K, Atabaki A, Dicke PW, Thier P (2014) Disparate substrates for head gaze following and face perception in the monkey superior temporal sulcus. Elife e03222. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03222

Caggiano V, Fogassi L, Rizzolatti G, Casile A, Giese MA, Thier P (2012) Mirror neurons encode the subjective value of an observed action. PNAS 109(29):11848-11853


PhD position in neurophysiological studies of cerebellar-based motor learning and attention

A PhD position is available for a highly motivated student interested in studies of the brain circuits underlying eye movements and shifts of attention and their optimization by learning. Previous experience in electrophysiological and anatomical techniques, familiarity with MatLab as well a thorough training in systems neuroscience would be favourable. The PhD student is expected to enrol in the PhD programme of the Graduate Training Centre at the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience. See below for further instructions.

Selected publications related to the topic:

Arnstein D, Dicke PW, Junker MA, Smilgin A, Thier P (2015) Microsaccade control signals in the cerebellum. Journal of Neuroscience 35(8):3403-3411. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2458-14.2015

Dash S, Thier P (2014) Cerebellum-dependent motor learning: lessons from adaptation of eye movements in primates. Progress in Brain Research 210: 121-155


Applicants should provide an up-to-date CV by e-mail to thier(at)

Please note that bulk applications lacking an obvious relationship to the research interests of the department will be rejected without further notification.